Monday, January 19, 2015

Aesop's Fables (Winter) - Reading Diary A

Here are some of my favorite stories from the first half of Aesop's Fables (Winter).

 The Young Crab and His Mother was a simple story but I really enjoyed it. The story was about a young crab that walked sideways. His mother told him that he was walking wrong so, the young crab asked her to show him how to walk. When she tried to show him, she began to walk sideways also. The moral of the story was, do no tell other how to act unless you can set a good example. I connected with this because when I was younger, my older cousin always told me, do as I say not as I do.

Belling the Cat. This story was about mice who were trying to find a way to be able to detect when their enemy, the cat, was near. After much debate, a young mouse suggested that they put a bell on the cat. The idea was great, but the problem was the execution of the idea; who would bell the cat? The moral of the story was, it is easy to say something should be done, but it is harder to do it. I really liked the moral of this story because it applies to everyday life a great deal of the time. My friends and I always have some sort of idea or plan that we feel is great but, find it difficult to execute.

The Travelers and the Purse. I really enjoyed this story about 2 traveling friends who find a purse filled with gold. One friend tries to claim the purse for himself but, when an angry mob came, he tries to say that he and his friend both found the purse. The moral of the story was, we can't expect anyone to share our misfortune unless we are willing to share our good fortune as well. I have had many friends that have done this. Two of my friends and I found a cell phone but, we I tried to say that we all found it, they quickly said that they found and that I did not. When I told the principal about the phone, he decided to give me a reward for turning it in. My two friends quickly said that we all found the phone so they could get the reward too.

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