Monday, January 26, 2015

Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche: Reading Diary A

I am surprised to say that I actually really enjoyed the first half of Apuleius's Cupid and Psyche. The beginning started out kind of slow but when the story of Cupid and Psyche began the reading became a million times better. The similarities between Cupid and Psyche’s story and the Beast and Belle’s love story is what drew me to this story but, I think I may prefer Cupid and Psyche to Beast(Adam in his human form) and Belle.

No fairytale is complete without an evil villain and there is no better villain than the evil sisters/ stepsisters. I do not know why I like evil sisters/stepsisters (maybe because I am an only child) but I really enjoyed Psyche’s sisters. Nothing gets a villain’s wrath going better than jealousy. Psyche’s sisters’ evil scheme was a bit extreme but, when the green monster of envy strikes, it can make you do some crazy things. I found myself becoming angry with Psyche as she started to fall for her sisters’ tricks. I understand being loyal to family but I just couldn’t believe that she would so easily believe her sisters’ lies about Cupid. If Psyche’s husband really wanted to harm her, then he would have done it a long time ago. Psyche’s naivety was frustrating at times but, naivety is a typical trait among damsels in classic fairytales. I was glad to see that Psyche did finally stand up to her sisters and get her revenge by tricking them just like they tricked her.

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