Saturday, March 21, 2015

Reading Diary A: Cherokee Myths

I was really excited about reading this unit. I am currently in Cherokee 3 and my professor has told us some Cherokee stories before. It was very fun reading all of the Cherokee words in the stories. It felt cool to be able to pronounce them correctly and some of the words I already knew. I also love that these stories have tons of animals. My favorite type of origin stories are animal origin stories. I love learning about the reasons why animals behave the way they do or why they look a certain way.

This unit is once again filled with origin stories. I haven’t read or heard this story before but I have heard that the Cherokees believe that the earth is an island. The part of this story that caught my eye was the part about the Great Buzzard. My Cherokee teacher’s maiden name is Buzzard so; she has talked about the Buzzard before. I also noticed that the number seven was used quite a bit throughout this story. In my Cherokee class, we learned that there are seven Cherokee clans; Long Hair, Blue, Wolf, Wild Potato, Deer, Bird, and Red Paint. I don’t know if these two things are connected but, I thought that it was an interesting coincidence. 

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