Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Writing Review Week

My favorite part of this class has been the storytelling posts. I love them because it gives us the freedom to be creative and write whatever we want. Most of the writing that I have to do in my other classes is structure(APA, MLA) and academic. This class allows me to write for fun. It never feels like a chore and that's why I look forward to the storytelling assignments! It also makes me feel good whenever I open my email and see a nice comment about one of my stories. It is really cool to be able to write something that someone enjoys to read and it is fun to be able to read other people's stories. There are some great writers in this class that are super creative. The storytelling is definitely the highlight of this class!

I chose this picture because it is the picture that I used on the first page of my storybook project site. The storybook project is by far my favorite thing I have worked on in this class. At times it can be time consuming and a little difficult to work on but once I start writing and I see the comments that classmates leave on how much they enjoyed my story or suggestions they have on how to improve it, the struggle is well worth it. 

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