Thursday, February 26, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: The Twin Brothers

Congo: The Twin Brothers

I really liked that this story had twins! It made the story really interesting! I really liked this story until the end when the brothers started fighting and then murdered each other. I thought it was going to be happy and that they would save everyone but that seemed too good to be true and I was right. I did like the brother that won in the end! He seemed like he was doing the right thing! I probably would have done the same thing. It was pretty messed up that after he saved his brother, the other twin turned around and killed him over claim of the followers! I also think that in the grand scheme of things, they should have been the second brother’s followers because he was the one to go and save his brother. Whereas, the other brother was pretty stupid when his wife told him not to go to that town and he decided to go anyway. That wasn’t the smartest decision. Overall, I like this story, though.

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