Monday, February 2, 2015

Reading Diary A: Myth-Folklore Unit: Arabian Nights

Myth-Folklore Unit: Arabian Nights
I think that Scheherazade is a great character! She is very clever and obviously very strong minded. I love how she saw an awful thing happening to the women of her country and instead of sitting around doing nothing and waiting for her own time to come, she decided to stand up to the Sultan in the cleverest of ways.

I liked this part of the story because the first old man’s wife was a witch. I am thinking about making my storybook project about witches in fairytales from different countries. I don’t think I have ever heard a witch story from the Middle East before; except for the witch in the Aladdin part of the show Once Upon a Time. It would be interesting if I could use this story as one of my witch examples.

I really enjoyed this section of the story. Although it was a little bit confusing trying to sort through everything, I thought it was cool that this story is a story within a story within a story! It feels a lot like the movie Inception (Story-ception!). I also like the switch of storytellers at the end. This section is so much fun to read. The stories are simple but the ways that they are presented are fun, unique, and very clever. I don’t think I have ever read a story in this form before but I really enjoyed it. I completely understand why the Sultan was sucked in to these stories told by Scheherazade and her younger sister; they are very entertaining.


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